Your Northern Virginia home is probably the largest single investment you will make. Aside from its monetary value, your house provides shelter, a place to live and thrive, for you and your family. Without question you want to protect your home. You buy insurance so you can repair or rebuild your home if a disaster occurs. You may even have a security system to protect your house from break-ins. But what are you doing to protect your home from the forces that are attacking it every day?
Northern Virginia is a lovely place to live, but every day the weather assaults the exterior of your home with UV rays, heat, cold, rain, mold, and airborne dirt. Left unchecked, the forces of weather can lead to paint blistering, fading, and peeling. Those conditions can lead to water damage, rot, insect infestation and even structural damage.
At All American Painting Plus, Reston’s leading painting contractors, we know the value that exterior painting brings in protecting your home. The cost to paint a house is a bargain compared to other “protective” measures like insurance and security systems. When your house is covered with a high quality exterior paint applied by professional painters, your home is shielded from the attacks that Mother Nature launches daily.
Exterior Painting Cost – A Real Value by Any Measurement
Applying a fresh coat of paint to your exterior is the fastest and most economically efficient way to protect the structure, plus instantly increase its curb appeal and most likely its resale value.
Let’s walk through a quick example. If you have a 3500 square foot home in Fairfax, it will take about 20 gallons to paint it. Standard latex exterior paint costs about $15 per gallon and will last 3 to 5 years. Labor on a project that size is approximately $2000. Labor plus paint equals $2300, or about $33 per month over 5 years.
If you opt for a higher quality acrylic latex paint, you can double the life of the paint job. Acrylic latex costs roughly $5 per gallon more, so your total investment is $2400 (labor remains the same, paint goes up $100) or $20 per month over 10 years.
How much is your monthly homeowner’s insurance, or cable fee, or coffee expense at Starbucks?
House Painting is About More Than Just the Paint
Even if you decide to use the most expensive paint available, if the surface of your exterior is not prepped properly, your home will still be at risk for damage by the elements. The “Plus” in All American Painting Plus is the ability of our talented house painters to do more than just scrape old paint. If you have wooden window frames they are most likely chipped, gouged, or cracked. We can repair them. We can repair wood rot, damaged aluminum, and wood replacement, and we do masonry repair.
Before we put paint on, we ensure the surface is ready for it. It’s an extra step but it’s worth the effort. When we finish painting your house it will look brand new!
If you are ready to add a coat of protection to your home, call us today!
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